Saturday, December 6, 2014

6 month hairfinity update

Hello beauties,

I know it has been over 6 months since I started the hairfinity journey and I am not done with them yet. I have one bottle that's unopened and one that I'm finishing up now. The reason why it's taking me longer than 6 months is because in between bottles I wait a few weeks before I start a new bottle. I do this because I noticed that after taking these pills for awhile my hair does not have as much growth as in the beginning. It was still growing but at a slower rate, so I stopped taking them. A month after I stopped taking them I decided to give them another try. I noticed that my hair rate was just as fast as it was when I first started hairfinity then it slowed back down after a bottle and a half (1 1/2 bottles). I waited another month and my hair growth increased again. So that's what have been happening. If hairfinity is not working as good as it was in the beginning just stop taking them for a few weeks.

I have cut my hair. I am no longer transitioning. I am natural! Big chop July 31, 2014. Yes I cut my hair in the middle of this 6 month hairfinity challenge.

Before Big Chop

After Big Chop

Sunday, November 2, 2014

2 months since Big chop UPDATE

Hi Beauties,

It's been 2 years since my last relaxer and 2 months since I did the big chop. I'm going to be doing frequent hair updates to document my progress for me and anyone else who wants to follow alone. I still have a whole bottle of hairfinity left so i will complete that bottle and start doing the monistat again. Monistat mixed with oil. I prefer sweet almond oil and olive oil. Mix in an applicator bottle and apply to scalp. Massage the mixture into scalp. I had a lot of growth the first time I tried this so I'm doing it again. I will take before and after pics/videos. My hair measurements is between 9-10 inches right now.

I do have videos on youtube now, but i will also put my videos in my blogs as well.

Monday, September 8, 2014

BIG CHOP!!! July 31, 2014

I did the Big Chop July 31, 2014. I am 100% natural now. I know my plan was to transition without the big chop but I couldn't go on with transitioning. I did record my big chop I just haven't had the time to post it. It will be up soon.

Before the Big Chop: 
I was debating for weeks if I should go through with the Big Chop. I was done dealing with the two textures and the line of demarcation! I just had to chop it off. I'm always wearing protective styles anyways, so why not?

After the Big Chop:
I felt great. I was happy, excited that I did it. It was the best decision I ever made for my hair. My hair is so much easier to deal with. It detangles a lot faster and stays detangled for the most part. Wash day is shorter!!!!

It's going to take some time to get use to big hair. I will keep recording my journey.
***My hair is the same length it was when I started transitioning***
                     Started transitioning Oct 2012

Friday, May 23, 2014

My dislikes about transitioning

1) Line of Demarcation! This area of your hair is prone to breakage because it's the weakest point in your hair. This part gets tangled up easy.
          *line of demarcation is the point where your relaxed hair and natural hair meet.

2) Taking care of 2 hair types (relaxed and natural)! Different hair types need different treatments. For example, my relaxed hair can't hold moisture as long as my natural hair. My relaxed hair is weaker than my natural hair so it needs a lot more care.

3) The look of the relaxed ends hanging from your natural hair! Curly, thick hair at top with straight relaxed ends!!

You see the ends!!!!!!!

*********IT GETS EASIER over time ladies. Once you learn to manage both textures it's a piece of cake. I also suggest having a go to hairstyle for the days when you get frustrated with your hair. I have braids or wigs for my go to. I strongly suggest buying a wig or making your own cause they are a lifesaver. There's been days where I got so frustrated I wanted to cut my relaxed ends of. I still struggle with it til this day but my wigs saved me from a premature BIG CHOP*********

***If any of you have any questions or request please let me know in a comment. You can also email me at***

Monday, April 7, 2014

Hairfinity-6 months no heat challenge

Hey beauties,

I am sharing with you guys today my 6 months no heat challenge as well as my new purchase with Hairfinity!! I have recently flat ironed my hair to get a good length check and trim so I will have good before pics before I start Hairfinity and my no heat challenge. I flat ironed my hair March 31, 2014. April 1, 2014 is when I started my no heat challenge as well as my Hairfinity. I purchased a 6 months supply of Hairfinity in March because I love it so much. It is a little expensive, $24 per bottle, but they do give you a little deal if you buy in bulks. My 6 month supply cost me $126 even. If you do not have the money for those vitamins there is a pretty good equivalent when it comes to hair growth and that is Biotin. You can buy Biotin at your local CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, even Dollar General and Family Dollar for under $10. You get more growth with higher mg but of course higher mg means it cost a little more. The highest I've seen in stores is 10,000mg for under $20. I can't give a exact price but it was about $18. If you want to try to increase your growth you can try both Hairfinity and Biotin together. There's a few people on youtube that take both, I will not personally because it's unnecessary for me.

After my 6 months no heat challenge and vitamins are over I will have after pictures for you. If I can go longer without heat I will so my after pictures, it might not be of flat ironed hair so I might just flat iron a little piece to show the growth. I will post my before pictures now so they won't end up earsed like last time.

**If you all do the no heat challenge or take the vitamins or both, please share with me your results.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hairfinity 2 month update

Hello people, I'm here doing my 2 month hairfinity update. These pills are amazing!!!! They had my hair extra soft and had my hair growing at a faster rate. On my previous post I told you that I had read from other hairfinity takers that it gave them skin/acne problems and that a solution to that would to drink more water. I did not have a single skin/acne issue and I am not a big water consumer. The only issue I have with this product is that once I was out of my pills like 2 weeks later that softness was gone. The length stayed of course but that extra softness that I love so much was gone :( Do I plan on buying more hairfinity? YES! This is an awesome product that works great on my hair. Within a year of using hairfinity I should be relaxer free with a great amount of hair still on my head. I promised before and after pics of my hair. Majority of my good before pics got deleted but I still have some.
*you will see a pic of me in a green homemade length check shirt. My current number on it is at 11 and that is after an inch of my hair got trimmed. The before pic got deleted but the before number was at 7 1/2. So my hair grew approximately 4 1/2 inches in 2 months from using hairfinity alone! How great is that?

**the last picture is before hairfinity!!! Look at the growth