Hello people, I'm here doing my 2 month hairfinity update. These pills are amazing!!!! They had my hair extra soft and had my hair growing at a faster rate. On my previous post I told you that I had read from other hairfinity takers that it gave them skin/acne problems and that a solution to that would to drink more water. I did not have a single skin/acne issue and I am not a big water consumer. The only issue I have with this product is that once I was out of my pills like 2 weeks later that softness was gone. The length stayed of course but that extra softness that I love so much was gone :( Do I plan on buying more hairfinity? YES! This is an awesome product that works great on my hair. Within a year of using hairfinity I should be relaxer free with a great amount of hair still on my head. I promised before and after pics of my hair. Majority of my good before pics got deleted but I still have some.
*you will see a pic of me in a green homemade length check shirt. My current number on it is at 11 and that is after an inch of my hair got trimmed. The before pic got deleted but the before number was at 7 1/2. So my hair grew approximately 4 1/2 inches in 2 months from using hairfinity alone! How great is that?
**the last picture is before hairfinity!!! Look at the growth